
Home learning

    Borrowing at least one book per week (to be read to, read with or read independently daily) will promote your child’s development as a reader. On the first day that the text is borrowed, you can begin reading the text to your child. The next day, encourage your child to join in an read with […]

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Sand pit toys

Dear Parents, A gentle reminder to please ensure our trucks stay in the Prep Neighbourhood courtyard at the end of the day and are not used after 2.30pm. There have been a number of occasions where they have been left in the sand pit or in front of the courtyard gate over night. Please support us by reminding people

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Mathematics: Number sequencing to 10 and beyond Matching numerals with words Ordinal numbers Subitizing – recognising collections of dots as a number Reading: Shared reading experiences with Big Books. There is a focus on strategies that can support reading. For example – using illustrations, rhyming words, making predictions and following the repetition Guided reading, buddy reading, independent and


Parent meetings

If you would like to have a chat with your children’s teachers regarding their learning or their wellbeing, you can arrange a meeting after school at 3:40-3:55 or in the morning at 8:30-8:45. Teachers will not be available during certain days due to meetings and prior engagements.          

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Buddy Time

On Tuesday, the Prep Neighbourhood were organised into some new groups for Buddy time. The 3 groups are Stars, Moons and Planets. The Preps participated in an activity that will rotate each week.  Reading response: Buddies help the preps select a book and then read through it with them. Afterwards, they work on a response for their Readers’

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In numeracy this week, the students were asked to use a timetable to help organise a life event. They were given the choice of attending one of the following events happening in Melbourne this Saturday: Pop-up Illustration Station at the Kids Big Book Spectacular at The State Library on Sat 13th Feb, 11:30am http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/whats-on/kids-big-book-spectacular OR

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Learning Focus

Literacy In our Literacy workshops this week the students viewed the graphic novel “The Arrival” by Shaun Tan and considered the connections they make with a text. These connections may be between the text and their lives, the text and others texts and the text and the world. The students also considered how the text

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