Greetings wonderful Princes Hill parents, carers and families!

In Weeks 7 and 8 of this term, the students have continued with the units introduced in the last blog post. Week 7 was Reconciliation Week so we explored Indigenous ways of science knowledge as part of our shared commitment to truth telling and celebrating tens of thousands of years of sustainable relationships with the […]

Greetings wonderful Princes Hill parents, carers and families! Read More »

3/4 N1 – Update

As part of our investigation into systems students expressed interest in learning about businesses and expressed an interest to create shops. To build this into a meaningful and real-life context, we have set a provocation that students are a group of budding entrepreneurs with big ideas.  The only problem is they have no money! The

3/4 N1 – Update Read More »

Term 4, Week 6 Update

The lines of inquiry in Neighbourhood 1 are working hard towards the creation of our Guide to Gratitude. We can now reveal our front cover as a sneak peak ahead of publication… In the Personal Gratitude group, students have made great progress in trialling and reflecting on self-care activities. They are now working on publishing

Term 4, Week 6 Update Read More »


The junior school tabloid sports were such a huge success!  The participation of the students was incredible; they demonstrated perseverance, determination, teamwork, sportsmanship, house spirit, and showed that they really are strong and capable children.   The events were chicken slinging, captain’s coming, caterpillar team challenge, egg and spoon races, sack races, team island relays, extreme


“Who Am I?” …

As we continue our exploration into the question “Who Am I?”, children responded in provocations in a range of ways. We noticed that a lot of children responded by drawing and writing about their families. So we came together as a neighbourhood and asked the children “What is a Family?” Someone who lives together with a

“Who Am I?” … Read More »

HPE Update

Expo this week – HPE videos are available to view the learning journey of each neighborhood. Key learning for this week, across neighborhoods Prep – Games and fundamental movement skills.  Year 1 – Dodging! The kids have been playing games and doing movement drills to practice changing direction while running. They have been practicing transferring

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