Music & Mark-Making

Neighbourhoods began the new term celebrating national NAIDOC week and exploring the way it feels to hear music and the relationship of music to mark-making. In joining together with Deb’s music program and inspired by the Spinifex Gum Collective students were encouraged to see sound and music as a painting. ‘Spinifex Gum are an award-winning

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Sleep health and sleep inequities in children.

Sleep is an important part of children’s mental health and wellbeing, growth and development. Children’s sleep health is influenced by various individual, social and environmental factors. Increased knowledge and understanding of the importance of sleep health, along with the factors that impact sleep health for children and families, can help support and promote good sleep

Sleep health and sleep inequities in children. Read More »


reclaim the Void A message to all the Weavers; ‘Well, collectively, we’ve done it! 3,000 rugs, and still collecting and counting!!! Thank you so much to all of you for being involved. I know not all of you got to completed rugs – but that’s ok. Collectively we did, and every little bit of intention,

Assemblage Read More »

Stacking Up Science: Unifix Blocks and the Art of Measuring Mayhem

We have had a fun filled fortnight, with so much happening in the prep neighbourhood!  We received another voice message from our friend Grey Beard, asking the children the following: “How much loot will fit in your boat, will it sink or will it float?”  Before testing the boats, we had a go at experimenting

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