
Site Specific Art

Neighbourhood 3-6 Taking inspiration from participating in project Reclaim the Void, Term 3s’ inquiry related content back to local community context with students ‘commissioned’ to conceptualise, plan and design a proposal for an art installation linked to local land/community and issues that they care about. Students were invited to choose a space within the school

Site Specific Art Read More »

For our Global Community, we sing for a Sustainable Future.

After 15 weeks of dedicated learning, ‘Tonight’s the Night’ for our Red-capped Robins. They will step out onto the stage of the Melbourne Town Hall with 150 choristers from different learning communities. We will be united as one voice, and advocate for sustainability in this year’s La Boite performance of Los Ninos. It’s been a

For our Global Community, we sing for a Sustainable Future. Read More »

Music & Mark-Making

Neighbourhoods began the new term celebrating national NAIDOC week and exploring the way it feels to hear music and the relationship of music to mark-making. In joining together with Deb’s music program and inspired by the Spinifex Gum Collective students were encouraged to see sound and music as a painting. ‘Spinifex Gum are an award-winning

Music & Mark-Making Read More »


reclaim the Void A message to all the Weavers; ‘Well, collectively, we’ve done it! 3,000 rugs, and still collecting and counting!!! Thank you so much to all of you for being involved. I know not all of you got to completed rugs – but that’s ok. Collectively we did, and every little bit of intention,

Assemblage Read More »

A ‘Power Clap’ for our Instrumental Music Students.

Bravissimo to everyone in the Instrumental Music Program for a wonderful concert which was an uplifting celebration of PHPS music. Our students moved through their pre-show nervousness to be thrilled by their achievements, and, thanks to our parents and friends in the audience, and the transformation of the gym to an evening recital venue, they

A ‘Power Clap’ for our Instrumental Music Students. Read More »

Greetings wonderful Princes Hill parents, carers and families!

In Weeks 5 and 6 of this term, the students have continued with the units introduced in the last blog post. Week 7 is Reconciliation Week so we will be exploring Indigenous ways of science knowledge as part of our shared commitment to truth telling and celebrating tens of thousands of years of sustainable relationships

Greetings wonderful Princes Hill parents, carers and families! Read More »