
Redefining Working Needs and Expectations

What characteristics or motivations inspire people to continue… This week we welcomed our Artists in Residence, and also extended our thinking, discussing what types of characteristics people have to face disasters or catastrophes and then continue to face a new day and keep going. As a result of our discussions, we began to unpack other

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Documentation Evening

Dear Parents / caregivers, An invitation to our upcoming documentation evening has been sent home with your child/ren. Below is an image of the invitation. An RSVP has been placed with the invitation and we request that it be returned to school by 26th August. We look forward to sharing the neighbourhood’s learning.

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Neighbourhood Buddy Reflection

Today the students reflected on the neighbourhood buddy program.  Students were placed into their buddy groups and were each given a question to answer about the  buddy program.  After spending some time brainstorming ideas, they then  came back onto the meeting room floor and shared their group’s responses to their allocated question.  These were then documented on the reflection board.  

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Us at Our Best!

Let us learn through the multiple modes of expression! We have been working very productively at our best, to explore how we can operate effectively as a 3/4 Learning Neighbourhood. We are currently exploring the following provocations collaboratively throughout each neighborhood: Art Studio :  Little Jars of Sunshine – Create a heart felt message that

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