Site Specific Art

Neighbourhood 3-6

Taking inspiration from participating in project Reclaim the Void, Term 3s’ inquiry related content back to local community context with students ‘commissioned’ to conceptualise, plan and design a proposal for an art installation linked to local land/community and issues that they care about. Students were invited to choose a space within the school grounds as a site for a permanent or temporary art installation, with site investigations including paying attention to the location’s histories, present moment and future possibilities.

Students explored the design process and experimented with creating concept drawings, 3-D models and photographic concept imagery. They experimented with scale and considered how their artwork might enhance, or transform a space for those who encounter it. Students contributed inspiring ideas that encouraged continued relationship, connection and dialogue with community and the building of collective wellbeing – for us, place and multi-species.

The inquiry positioned the idea of art as activism, large or small, that can prompt students and community to question our current world and contribute to an optimistic future.






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