Book Week Recount
Last week, the Preps took part in a writing experience of Book Week. They were asked to reflect on their time and retell the best parts of their day. It was wonderful to see the enthusiasm of the preps as they retold their story.
Last week, the Preps took part in a writing experience of Book Week. They were asked to reflect on their time and retell the best parts of their day. It was wonderful to see the enthusiasm of the preps as they retold their story.
Last week, the preps took part in a series of workshops where they explored Eric Carle. First, we began by reading through various texts such as “Slowly, slowly said the sloth”, “The secret birthday message” and many more. As we read through each story we discussed the reoccurring style of Carle and how he became well known
Eric Carle Collage Read More »
The Preps will be receiving reading goals tomorrow and these will go home in their reading folder. The goal is to be stuck into their Readers notebook and will be signed off as it is achieved. Prep students will continue swap their library books every Thursday from next week onwards. Our Thursday reading sessions (where
Here are some snaps from our excursion yesterday. A huge thank you to all the parents who offered their support for the day. Tomorrow, the Preps will be using a variety of mediums to express themselves. We also be creating a shared recount with each home group. Stay tuned!
Our trip to the Museum and IMAX Read More »
Hi there, Just to let you know all the lost property has been placed along the benches in the Year One neighbourhood. If you have any lost items, please check tomorrow (Friday 8th September) and take what is yours. For the future, please make sure all items of clothing are named to make it easier
Next Friday, the Preps will be presenting their learning at assembly. Assembly begins at 3pm in the gymnasium. Hope to see you there!
Monday Workshops: Wellbeing/ Numeracy / Recount writing Projects and Provocations / Big Book Tuesday Projects and Provocations / Big Book Wellbeing – Culture and Identity / Writing – Book week/ Numeracy unior School Sports Day Activities Wednesday IMAX Excursion Thursday (Readers’ Notebook due today) Guided Reading /ICT, numeracy and literacy provocation Specialist Junior School Sports Day
Please remember to pack a light backpack tomorrow containing lunch and a water bottle. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!
If any parents are available to help out at the excursion tomorrow, we would greatly appreciate your support. Many thanks, The Prep team
If you would like to attend the excursion on Wednesday please sign up to our parent helper list. The list is on the parent notice board. We are looking for a total of 9 parents (3 from each home group). We currently have 3 locked in from Red group. Any extra parents may join us but
Parent Helpers for Wednesday Read More »