
Planning a Garden

As part of our studies in maths, students have been working together to complete projects which involve considering and responding to a range of questions relating to planning a garden. We started with measuring and drawing a scaled diagram of the school garden beds, and calculating area and perimeter. The projects then involved researching food […]

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Andra` tutto bene!

Andra` tutto bene…..as our exploration of emotions and empathy continues, we have been creating collaborative posters to depict learnings and understandings around emotions, the experiences of the Italians, our own experiences, our strategies for coping and resilience, our ways of maintaining connection and community. We have expanded our vocabulary to describe ’emozioni’ and to identify

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Wheel’s Day

Due to the popularity of Wheel’s Day on Thursday 18th, OSHC has decided to have another on Tuesday 23rd November. Children may bring along a bike, scooter, roller blades, skateboard or anything with wheel’s to enjoy an afternoon of fun Children must wear a helmet at all times and we strongly recommend any other required

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