Take a look at all the happenings
Take a look at all the exciting happenings that have been taking place at OSHC!!
Recycling Week
The 8th – 12th November was National Recycling Week. In order to do our bit and make a positive impact, OSHC conducted a number of activities using only recycled materials. We were able to create some cardboard rocket ships, bug habitats, paper crafts and painting with nature.
Tech Deck Club
OSHC is excited to start up the Tech Deck Club again. Children have been able to test out their skills and get creative by creating their own skate parks.
Obstacle Course Extravaganza!!
With the current restrictions in place we have been required to move as many activities outside as possible. This has allowed us to get creative with some challenging obstacle courses designed to challenge students physical development, and have a little fun at the same time.
All the other happenings!
The OSHC Team would like to thank EJ, Evie, Oscar (Yr 2), Blai (Yr 3) and Valentina (Yr 5) for their awesome help with taking photos for the week!