Mathematical Challenges in the Prep Neighbourhood

I told my mum I counted to 100. She was so proud.    Lulu


Inspired by Lulu’s quote we have been exploring different ways to authentically engage and challenge the Preps mathematically over the last couple of weeks. 


We asked Lulu to share her experience and then invited the children to accept the challenge of counting to 100, in a variety of ways with concrete materials, in the performance space. This initial provocation has now expanded to include writing to 100 or even 1000, drawing 100 and making 1000 by using the knowledge gained from our explorations with place value. The excitement generated by this mathematical challenge has provided focus for deep, meaningful learning. It has been wonderful to watch the children’s independence and motivation in these numerical explorations. 


An unexpected occurrence coming from these mathematical collaborations has been the organic pairing of different children. Children who don’t usually learn or play together. Some wonderful and powerful moments of peer teaching have come from these unique groupings. 

Van- We are going to count them.

Eddie- Lets count them in 10’s. I’ll show you.


The mathematical energy coming from the performance space during provocations seems to have traveled successfully into our mathematical workshops and targets. Explorations of measurement and 3D shapes have been exciting and productive.

This shape actually looks like a building. Can you see how the rectangle part makes it tall? But in real life the building would be much bigger.      George

We are wondering what possible new mathematical challenges we could further provoke our children’s learning with over the last weeks of term……


Can you show 100 in groups of 2?


Can you draw 100 hearts or 100 snails?


Can you make a tower with 100 blocks? 


Can you measure 100 cm?