HPE Webex sessions are in full swing with students from Prep to Year 6 taking part. It has been a real delight to connect face to face on a regular basis!
In the Junior School, we are focusing on practicing and refining their catching and underarm throwing technique. Children are coming to the Webex prepared with the equipment they need and are taking part in activities with their peers. After watching the demonstration students have a go on their own. The level up catching challenge aims to improve hand-eye coordination and catching technique while the towel target challenge gets them practicing their underarm throwing technique. The children are encouraged to fill in a self-assessment sheet, to see how they are tracking with the different components of the skill, on their way to mastering the skill.
Level Up Challenge:
Towel Target Challenge:

The 3/4s have been taking part in Sport Trivia at the beginning of their Webex which has brought an extra level of fun and excitement. Well done to this week’s trivia Champion Gabriel who received the top score of 13 points! The 3/4s have continued to build their understanding of the benefits, characteristics and enjoyable aspects of taking part in physical activity in both natural and built environments. They were set the task of selecting their favorite natural and built environment and completed an in-depth analysis to demonstrate their understanding.

5/6 students have continued to extend their knowledge of the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, as they were set a challenge to find a recipe that contained as many different categories as possible.
Some notable dishes from our Masterchefs:
- Javiera – Corn, avocado and quinoa salad with marinated tomatoes
- Mila L – Broccoli and Chickpea pasta
- Opal – Lentil salad
- Hendrix – Oats with yogurt, nuts and fresh fruit