#io resto a casa in cucina…mi piace/non mi piace!

Ciao a tutti e benvenuti alle notizie italiane. As we have continued our Italian inquiry #io resto a casa in cucina, students have embraced the opportunity to expand their capacity to talk about food in Italian, naming frutta e verdura, using adjectives to describe foods, making sure to use the correct gender agreement (la pizza e` deliziosa, il gelato e` delizioso).This week we have embarked on an investigation of how to express likes and dislikes (mi piace/non mi piace) in Italian. Students have eagerly responded with a myriad of creative responses: delightful videos, audio recordings, drawings, comics and slide presentations. It was great to see families get on board with the learning, with children interviewing their parents in Italian (or vice versa…well done parents!) A heartfelt grazie mille to parents and carers for supporting their children as they explore italiano in cucina! 


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