Week 5 Learning Reflection

Welcome parents and carers,

To be more efficient when writing our blog post today and improve on our reflection skills, we have been working in small groups to brainstorm ideas of what we have been doing this week in Year 2.

Here are some of the suggestions that arose from these discussions: 

Workshop groups. (Charlotte)

We have been working on painting blossoms and flowers. (Joanna)

In the year 2 neighbourhood we have been working on our strengths in our inquiry book. (Gigi)

We have been doing renaming 2 digit numbers and writing workshops. (Mimi)

We were doing a play and Alex was the teacher and Tucker was the therapy dog. It is a welcome play. (Tayma). 

Aurelien was working on the play with Zoe and Evie M. As part of his goal of writing every day, he was writing the script and was also writing a comic with me (Jack K).  

We have been designing and building catapults. I learnt how to do better measuring with the measuring tape when I tested it. I also learnt how to label my design with the resources that we had. (Sotir). 

As one of our plant monitors, Ihsahn has been watering the plants in our neighbourhood. Plants are great for our wellbeing. (Tucker). 

Welcome parents and carers, we have been learning about skip counting by 5s and 4s. (River). 

The Welcome groups have been writing welcome posters for the Welcome Expo. (Jack B). 

Iggy has also been working on engineering catapults. It was really good measuring how far it went. My best try was 1m 5cm (Iggy). You write down your design first, then you make it, see if it works. See what doesn’t work about it and then change something to try again. Keep on fixing parts until it works. (Gigi).

In the year 2 neighbourhood we have been writing stories. We could write fiction, a recount, non fiction. I picked fiction because I like writing stories. (Tucker). 

The teachers think that if we get to choose which kind of writing we are doing, it will make it easier because it was our choice. (Edie)

Seb F has also been working on making a catapult (Ayshe). He has also been working on a construction design for the Welcome Expo to show parents what we do in the different spaces in our neighbourhood. (Seb F). 

The Year 2 Team