2020 Week 2


Hello and welcome to week two in the Year One Neighbourhood.

The children have settled in beautifully and have continued to engage in provocations centred around welcome and connectedness. From our observations the children have been particularly engaged with the ‘shop’ provocation- where they have been developing their counting and adding skills. They have also been very engaged in the ‘oil pastel designs/illustrations’ and ‘story board’ provocations. In order to deepen their learning in these areas, we have been running workshops for creative writing, handwriting, counting, and word studies. Moving forward we are considering the materials that we can provide the children in provocations for them to build on their interests and develop greater student agency.

This week we have also been working with the children to develop their skills and understandings around identifying what actions/behaviours are needed to ensure that the neighbourhood is a safe, productive and an engaging space. We have also been focusing on establishing and maintaining consistent routines. We look forward to the development of our learning journey with the children.   
