Welcome to the Prep Neighbourhood

The Prep Team would like to extend a very warm welcome to all families for the 2020 school year. We are incredibly excited about the possibilities of learning that are sure to emerge as we get to know one another.

As teachers, we acknowledge the importance of creating a sense of belonging for all who are part of our Prep Neighbourhood including parents, children and families. We encourage parents to be active participants and to join us in our learning when and where possible (more information to come).

Throughout the year we will use our neighbourhood blog to share snapshots of the collective learning of the children and teachers. It is generally a space where we focus on sharing authentic experiences of learning rather than administrative information (this can be found on the Compass portal).

For now, we would like to share a list of items that will help your child as they settle into life at school:

  • sun smart hat
  • lunch and recess
  • water bottle
  • spare clothes
  • sunscreen

*Please ensure all items are named!

We encourage you to support your child to do as much as possible for themselves in regard to daily organisation (e.g. packing and carrying their school bag). By fostering independence and self-help skills you are setting the foundation for your child to be an independent learner.

We look forward to constructing the Prep Neighbourhood learning community together with you this year.

Nellie, Jess and Amy