2020 Week 1

Hello and welcome to  the Year 1 Blog!

The children have settled in well and we are really looking forward to getting to know them all.

To begin, we set up the spaces with a range of provocations for the children to engage in.

We used this opportunity to observe and engage with the children in order to get a sense of who they are,  how they think, their knowledge and their specific interests.

The children shared the following:

“We’re making different shops. We’ve got magnet shops, donations shops…..The donations are for the fires.”

(Counting money) “We’ve got one thousand dollars, because five hundred and five hundred is one thousand.”

“We’re playing mums and dads.”

“We’re building courses where a roller has to jump over everything and up the ramp, over the house and land on the blue triangle.”

“We’ve made a farm. All the animals who are scared go into the house…..they’re scared of the foxes and wolves because they eat them.”

“We’re making a shop so we can sell our dinosaurs.”

“I’m making an obstacle course. One of these (a cylinder) is going to roll up here and then jump on to these squares.”

“We’re making mind craft (with the blocks).”

(Counting money) “I’ve got two hundred and fourteen dollars. I’ve got one hundred and one hundred which makes two hundred and I’ve got one ten and four ones. That makes two hundred and fourteen.”

“I’m counting up the money that we get. I’ve got to ninety-nine with Anna’s money and to two hundred with Eva’s money. I’m writing it down so I can remember how much.”

Next week, we will begin our inquiry into “Welcome”.

In the meantime, please enjoy the photos from our first two days.

The Year One Team