Our First Blog Post of Term 3

Sword fighting, fishing, making pizza, having breakfast with birds, and having a play date with Bessie – what do you think all of these things have in common? These are only a few of the many awesome experiences that the Year Twos had on their holidays. BUT… this is not the only thing they all have in common. Every single one of these activities has also been drafted, edited, and lovingly crafted into a handwritten masterpiece. This learning experience was an opportunity for us to develop our understanding of what makes a sentence, and how using expressive language can help us to add more detail to our writing.

Would you like to know a bit more information about the process involved in writing our recount? To start with, the first thing we did was brainstorm as a group ideas of what we could write about. We heard all about Simon’s satisfying, relaxing shower as a way to show us an example of a detailed recount of a memorable experience. The next step was to think about our own holiday or event that we wanted to write about, and then share our ideas with the rest of the group. There was a special focus on word choice and expressive language.

Then we got stuck into it! There were sounds of knocking and scratching as our pencils striked the paper with each letter and word. Our minds ticked away as we completed our drafts. It took a few workshops to then reread, edit, and complete our good copies.

Out in Projects and Provocations, we designed and created freeze frames to help us to remember parts of our holidays, and shared these visual interpretations with the rest of the neighbourhood.

This week we have also been thinking about where we get our ideas from as writers, and places we can store our thinking to remember it for later. Come into the neighbourhood to read our responses, and see some of the other displays of some of our learning this week.