Welcome back Term 3! (Week 1 Learning Focus)

Hello all and welcome back the second half of Year 1! We hope you all had a lovely break and glad school’s back for yet another busy term.

Already, the students have been busy reading, writing, jumping into adding and subtracting numbers as well as a little bit of role playing about their holidays.

One activity the students engaged with was the opportunity to reflect and write about their holidays experiences. However, the main focus of their writing was to experiment with different opening sentences instead of ‘On the holidays…’ We were so impressed with some of the reflections that we decided to photocopy their pieces (when finished) and place it straight into their portfolios! Other writing goals included neat handwriting, ensuring we all had capital letters and full stops consistently and experimenting with a variety of words.

The second activity was an artistic reflection – again an experience from their holidays. Students were to think of something they did and recreate this image using oil pastels, pencils, textas or just using a gray lead pencil. Again, we were all stunned by the incredible efforts and images they came up with, therefore decided we’d place these art images, too, inside of their portfolios when finished.

Numeracy areas that we worked on were revisiting making numbers to 10 (or 100 or 1,000 for those who challenged themselves), adding and subtracting numbers from 0 to 20 as quickly as possible within two minutes and figuring out how to read/say numbers all the way up to 100,000! (Place Value)

As we were also busy revisiting neighbourhood expectations for the term, we only just begun our inquiry focus of stories once more. Today, in fact, we all met as one neighbourhood where we discussed about an important discovery the students made from last term – ‘every story has an important message.’ However, a vast majority of the students had a strong interest of nature and how the many different types of natures hold many stories. Therefore, beginning next Monday morning, students will be surprised with a series of different activities that will enable them to create, read, discuss, problem solve and work as a team. The teachers aren’t giving anything away yet, but know the students are going to absolutely enjoy what’s been put on offer! Till Monday!

Have a great weekend!

Year 1 Team