ECA/REAIE Film Permission Notes!

Hi all,

Early Childhood Australia (ECA) and Reggio Emilia Australian Information Exchange (REAIE) are co-developing a set of online learning modules to provide Reggio Emilia training to early childhood educators in Australia. These modules will include a series of videos and photos showcasing examples of best practice on the module topics, and your service has been identified as ideal to feature within these modules.

ECA and REAIE would like your permission to film and photograph your child/ren and/or yourself, use supplied existing films or photographs of them/you publish their work/illustrations. Please fill out the permission slip sent home with your child if you agree to great ECA permission to use film and photographs of your child/ren and/or yourself or illustrations produced by your child/ren.

Non-return of this form will be taken as a refusal to grant permission and any film or photos of your child/ren taken during a photographic or filming session must therefore be discarded.

Forms will be due back on Friday 24th May

Year 1 Team