Teddy Bear’s Picnic

‘…..todays the Day the Teddy Bear’s (and Preps) have their picnic….’

In 2 weeks time, on Tuesday April 2nd the Prep’s will venture out of the school for the annual Teddy Bear’s Picnic!

The Teddy Bear’s Picnic will happen between 12 and 2pm at Railway Park where we will share a special song, enjoy a shared picnic lunch and have some time to play too. We encourage families to join us to celebrate a wonderful start to the year!

We ask that each child please bring a plate of food to share for our picnic lunch (*please include a list of ingredients for any baked goods).

If you would like to join us we welcome you to meet us in the courtyard at 12pm (*please ensure that you sign in at the office with Julie first) and would be very appreciative of your help to carry picnic rugs and food. Alternately you can meet us at Railway Park.

We are counting down to this very exciting event!

See the source image