Week 8 Learning Focus

Here’s what is happening in the neighbourhood this week;

Collections – Now we have explored what collections are and where they are kept, we will be looking at the rules and functions of these collections. Investigating how collections begin and evolve and what stories they tell. We will be showing our learning through art, film making, story writing and oral presentations.

Debates – As we continue to learn about the structure and purpose of debates we will be practising speaking and listening, justifying our points of view and using critical thinking skills to challenge others in a respectful manner.

Maths – This week we are exploring estimation and how number sense is developed. We are practising quick recall of number facts and applying strategies to justify and prove our estimations. Further opportunities to extend our mathematical thinking are provided through daily maths challenges to be explored in provocation time.

Harmony day – In celebration of Harmony week, we are looking at what harmony means to us. We are exploring and celebrating the diversity of our community and looking at ways to reach out and connect more deeply with others. This week we are focusing on the many ways different languages bring us together and help us communicate with others. 

Spelling – Following on from our investigation into etymology, this week we will be exploring word families, specifically looking at base words, prefixes and suffixes and how these are combined to form new words.
Reading – Our novel studies continue this week. Through these groups, students are exploring character development, language choice and authors voice. These workshops have also been a positive way to work across neighbourhoods and enjoy literature in new ways.



  • The PHPS cross country carnival is taking place at Princes Park this Thursday, March 21st.
  • Overdue library book notices have been handed out to students, please check in with your student and support them to return any overdue books.
  • Order forms and payments for school photos are due by March 22nd – Please return them to the office or to your child’s homegroup teacher.