How Can You Help At Home?

Hi All,

Below are a list of skills that we are currently working towards in the Prep Neighbourhood. The following statements align with the Victorian Curriculum Foundation Level and have been selected from the Literacy and Numeracy strands. The provocations offered each morning have been designed with these skills in mind and are reinforced within whole group workshops and point of need teaching. We are aware that some children may be working above these levels and their learning focus will be adjusted accordingly.


I can start at any number and count forwards and backwards to 20.

I can read, write and order numbers to 20.


I can recognise the names of the letters of the alphabet.

I can say the sound for the letters of the alphabet.

I can talk about the words and pictures in texts.


I can have a go at writing on my own.

I can draw and write to tell people what I know.

I can explain why I am writing and who it is for.


Supporting Your Child At Home

To support numeracy development at home we encourage you to play games such as dominoes, card games (e.g. ‘go fish’) and board games.

Picture books where there are opportunities for counting are also great (e.g. when reading ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ you could get your child to count the fruit on each page or how many things he ate on Saturday).

Invite your child to help with cooking or baking and have discussions about amounts and read the recipe together.

Look at the calendar together and talk about special dates or how long until a special date.

To support literacy at home you can play games such as ‘I spy’, go for letter or word hunts around the house or search for particular letters or familiar words in picture books.

Read daily to and with your child (and encourage them to record in their Reader’s Notebook).

Encourage your child to write cards or letters to family and friends.

Write the shopping list together or help your child to record words starting with the focus letter at school (we will share this on the blog!).

Make books together (you can scribe for your child and they can illustrate).

Most importantly have fun!