Learning Focus – Week 7!

As we continue working deeper into our current provocations within all areas of the neighbourhoods, this week students will have opportunities to share what they have created and receive feedback from their peers. It is a valuable opportunity for the kids to understand the importance of feedback on their work in a positive format, create new ideas to add/take away and a chance for them to work on their presenting skills in front of an audience.

Our literacy focus this week will be for the students to continue to work on their personal reading and writing goals within their guided reading groups and story creations. Each week, the Year 1 team will also be teaching the students different writing traits in order for the kids to become confident writers. As this week’s focus will be on ‘organising,’ students will learn the importance of different writing structures in line with their creative stories: title, introduction, build up, problem, solution and ending.

Number counting, working through different number patterns and place value focuses with ones/tens/hundreds have been the focuses for this week. Students have developed their knowledge within patterns by creating their own number patterns in their maths books; for example, one number pattern a student had created was 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 – and we call this number pattern counting UP by 50’s. Others focused on counting by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s or even 100’s while some even challenged themselves by counting by 3s, 4s, 20s or even 11s!

Harmony Week! Next week PHPS will have a focus on the theme harmony and how it affects every one of us. There will be a series of fun activities the students will be engaged with, to which some, will even be showcased at our whole school assembly next Friday.

Finally, thank you to those parents/carers who came to last night’s information night! We had a fantastic number of visitors come to question, chat and find out more about the school and the way we learn at PHPS.

Year 1 Team