Week 2 learning highlights

This afternoon the 3/4 students in N1 can together to reflect on the learning from the week. Here are some of our thoughts and some pictures.

“This week we were making up some emotions” – Lexie

“We also did characters that represented our emotions” – Aurelie

“We put two emotions together to create” – Elanora

“We made a chart to map our emotions” – Gabriel

“We used our emotions to put them in to performances” – Lexie


“We have been measuring the school” – Mila

“We drew maps of our school” – Rosa

“We drew illustrated and birds-eye view maps” – Mila and Rose


“We built models of our school and neighbourhood” – Poppy

“We went into the construction space and built models of our school and drew maps of our models” – Allegra

“This week some of us made comics about what happens at our school” – Finn and Marta

“We had lots of fun competing in lots of races at the swimming carnival” – Chloe