Learning Focus – Week 5

Students have really taken to the scientific provocation and are continuing to consider our connection to the animal world and looking at groups. We want to develop the idea that students are researchers and anthropologists (like David Attenborough) who observe, analyse and draw conclusions about what those groups do. 


This week and next week the year 3 students will be completing their NAPLAN tests. All students have been informed of how the neighbourhood will cater NAPLAN and where the students are required to be during these times. If you can help remind students who own a laptop to recharge their laptops each night and place them inside of their bags before coming to school.

Maths Inquiry/Design Meeting Place Continued…

Students will be continuing to plan their meeting place. Here, they will be drawing up many mathematical concepts such as 2D/3D shape, angle, measurement while they draw their plans and create scale models in the Studio and Construction space.

Scientific Poster Opportunity continued…

We have had some brilliant posters created by the students last week! The amount of research, scientific drawing and categorising has been a pleasure to watch as students develop their understandings. This week, students will continue researching their chosen animals and will be challenged to categorise them. While designing our poster we are also thinking about communication through different media.

Spelling Investigation opportunities

The students will be able to engage in a spelling investigation where they can familiarise themselves with mathematical words and language. Here, the students are required to find out what are some of the most common maths words, write down some challenging maths words whilst using the look/cover/write/check strategy.

City Excursion Planning!

We have decided that we need to visit more meeting places in Melbourne to support our inquiry. This week the students have been invited to help us decide which places to visit and propose the logistical arrangements for their suggested excursion. The provocation incorporates more maths with scheduling, budgeting and mapping.

Lastly, thank you kindly to those carers who firstly organised the wonderful mother’s day stall last Friday. And secondly, another thumbs up to those who volunteered to help to run the stall! It was so nice to see the students get excited about purchasing some gifts for their loved ones! 

3/4 Team