A huge thanks to everyone who has already added a donation to the Mother’s Day stall tubs.

If you haven’t yet, there’s still time!

The stall is this Friday, from 9-11am in the gym. At this annual fundraiser our kids can purchase something special for their mum/special carer, with the support of parent volunteers. Thanks to the generosity of our community we’re not having to buy in a bunch of a landfill for kids to choose from! If you’re able to contribute baked goods please deliver to Julie’s office on Thursday [with ingredients listed]. Packaging is available from Julie.

Other great gifts include packets of seeds, chocolates/treats, candles, notebooks, etc.

If you’re free on Friday, for any of the time between 9am to 11am, we’d love your help to support the kids with their purchasing. It’s a great way to meet other parents, and the kids in your child’s grade. Please send your child to school on Friday with a little spending money and a plastic bag. All funds raised contribute to extending the educational programs at our school.

Thank you all!