Musical Moments | Happenings

As we explore different roles in the film making industry we are looking at Foley artists. Foley is the reproduction of everyday sound effects that are added to film, video, and other media in post-production to enhance audio quality. So we could better understand how sounds are produced we are creating a musical ensemble using our own sounds and a Makey Makey (more to come on that later!)

Each week Deb joins us for a workshop and we started by looking at different orchestras and how they work together. We looked at more traditional orchestras and also ones such as that below.

Next we considered how different composers create music to tell a story or set a scene. We listened to music such as Peter and the Wolf, Carnival of the Animals and An American in Paris to see if we could visualise the music.

This week we have been collecting different sounds that we will use in our own musical ensemble.