Working on our cookbook…

This week we continued our investigation into procedural texts, starting with a workshop  in the kitchen making Honey Joys. Ruby is contributing this recipe to the cookbook, and it was a great opportunity for students to work in groups to measure out the ingredients and follow the method that was outlined in the recipe. 56 students, an hour and a half, six batches of Honey Joys – I think we did pretty well!

It turned out about half of the neighbourhood had made or eaten Honey Joys before, but students were able to get familiar with recipe during a buddy activity at the end of last week where they worked together to read through the recipe and draw the equipment that we would be needing in the kitchen.

Also, thank you to everyone who has brought in their recipe for the cookbook – our aim is to send it off for printing and binding at the start of Term 4 so that it is ready for the Bazaar. It is starting to take shape and we will be sending out information next week about pre-sale details and photography sessions (very exciting!) for the book. Each student will have a double page spread for their recipe, their connection story, and illustrations and photographs, meaning our cookbook is looking like it will have around 140 pages! This week, students analyzed the ‘method’ of their special recipe, and started to storyboard to explain what happens in each of the steps in their recipe’s method.