The Preps planted a variety of seeds during the last week of Term 2. On Wednesday, the children analysed the growth of each type of plant and we measured the size of the shoots.
The children had some great ideas about why plants grow:
- “Energy from the ground goes into the roots. Water goes into the plants and makes it grow. Just like people.” AJ
- “The leaves help the flower to grow. Without the leaves, it would not grow.” Banjo
Why didn’t one of the plants grow as fast as the others? (The sunflower seeds)
- “Wasn’t it’s season.” Sunny
- “Not enough water.” Owen L
- “Not the same seed” Samuel

The Preps watched some time-lapse videos of seed growth.
We discussed the order that the different parts of the plant grow.
Then we looked at the process of seed germination.
Measuring the seedlings.
The data we collected