On the second last Friday of term, the year 2 children presented their camping production at assembly. The children have been working on the production for some time with Deb and Tim as part of their music program. The children have been thinking about special places as part of their inquiry and the stories that connect us to places. Going camping with our family and friends was a common theme that many of the children had experienced and related to. Deb and Tim worked with the children to create a structure to the play and also brainstormed with the children lots of ideas for the songs and scenes. We also explored the humour in the play through the device of ‘exaggeration’. Many of the children related very much to the humour of Andy Griffiths and the way he uses exaggeration in his books. Gabby Mina, Ruben’s mum, brought her expertise to the project and supported the children with the prop designs used in the play. Every child was involved in the design and making of a prop. You can see these props in action by clicking on the video link below. The audience relished in the absurdity of more and more items being brought on stage to be packed. A big thank you to Gabby Mina and Deb Kaiser for their passion and effort in making this a memorable experience for the year 2 children and the whole school.