A visit from Kenya and Classrooms around the world

This week we had a very special visitor from Kenya.

On Thursday we had a special visit from Wawira and Pat from YGAP (Young Generations Against Poverty). Wawira is from Kenya and runs Food4Education, she explained what she does and why she does it. She feeds children in Kenya so they can focus on their school work and get into a good high school. She explained about how her family life was a lot better than most of the people at her school. She believes that there are three things to consider when fundraising. First to do lots of research about what you are passionate about, think from the heart and go out of your comfort zone.

The presentation also made us think about our inquiry because we have been thinking about how children in other countries have been experiencing school life. We all found it very interesting and it was amazing hearing her story about her mum and dad. She inspired everyone because she nearly did the impossible for her town in Kenya.

Seb S

PS: Wawira is to be interviewed on Weekend Sunrise tomorrow morning sometime between 9.50 and 10.25. Don’t forget to tune in and see this inspiring young woman!

This week we have started to explore our big idea.

Power manifests in a range of ways that can have positive and negative impacts.

In group discussions we thought about the types of power different people have and how we get this power. The we talked about age, gender, culture and power by birth as different ways you can gain power. In order to understand the different power of children around the world we are exploring what life is like in different countries.

 “I chose to research about children’s lives in Egypt because I haven’t heard much about it so it makes it interesting to find out more.” – Nic

“In certain countries you are obligated to do things you might not want to do. We have things like democracy and a lot more freedom.” – Lexi

We also discovered that power can also be represented in nature and how natural disasters are powerful events in nature. We are investigating the Maths in earthquakes and using richter scales to order the intensity of earthquakes.

“The Richter Scale uses decimal points so it can be more precise” – Daisy

As we have been researching different people we are now writing about these people and their impact on others. To help us we are also reading and learning about the features of biographies. We have chosen some of the main features of people’s lives and thought about the order we need to put our ideas in when writing. We are also hunting for synonyms about power to use when we are writing.

In English we have been exploring different types of poetry. On the 21st of March it is International Poetry Day and we will be celebrating.  So we have started to investigate the different devices a poet uses in a poem such as personification, smiles and alliteration. We have also started to perform poems, considering how our voice can be used to share a message or emotion from a poem.

In Maths we are using our learning profiles for the first time and understanding how we can use them to set goals in our maths. We have also looked at different timetables and how they are organised, making our own timetables. As part of inquiry into natural disasters we have been exploring scales for measuring different types of natural disasters such as earthquakes.