Dear parents and carers,
On Thursday, 18th August we will be holding a mini Olympics, hosted by Gold House. The opening ceremony will take place at 12.15 in the gym. The winners of the flag design competition will lead out their teams, represented by 2 students per year level. These names have been drawn out of a hat and will be revealed at assembly on Friday,12th August.
Following the opening ceremony the students will proceed to the mini oval (prep-2) or the back oval (years 3-6) where they will participate in four novelty events. The student leaders (house captains and vice captains) will be running these events.The emphasis will be on participation and sportsmanship with bonus points being awarded for displays of sportsmanship. Teachers will supervise the students during these events.
The winning house will be announced at the closing ceremony at assembly on Friday 19th August.
Special awards will also be given for great dressing up (in team colours) and sportsmanship.
Please join us on Thursday 18th to cheer on our athletes!