The Preps all received some high frequency word lists on the first Friday of Term 3.
Ideas for home learning:
- Focus on a particular high frequency word that is repeated in the book that they are reading. Count how many times the word comes up within the sentence and make a tally.
- Spelling practice of a high frequency word, referring to the handwriting chart first to check the formation of letters.
- Create a meaningful sentence together, then write the words onto post-its (eg – I like to play on the computer.) The sentence can be displayed somewhere for them to practice. Encourage them to point to each word as they read it. Jumble the words up and ask them to put into the correct order.
- When your child can recognise a word within the text automatically, the word can be coloured in on the sheet to celebrate their achievement.
If your child is confident when recognising these sight words, they can have a still refer to these word lists. They can have a go at creating sentences that include words from the list – this will continue to build their writing confidence.
We encourage their Readers’ Notebooks to be used to record their home learning. Aim for your child to complete at least one entry per week.