Action Required


This term, the school is hosting and participating in the filming of a pilot TV program called ‘Boxwars,’ on Wednesday 27 July or Thursday 28 July if weather is poor on the Wednesday. Boxwars, in partnership with Bruce Kane Media (B.J.S.E P/L) are making a Pilot for a Kids TV series with the support of the Australian Children’s Television Foundation. (Bruce Kane has a long relationship with the school, as a parent at Princes Hill. He was also involved in running the Entertainment at the School Bazaar from 2005 to 2012) Calico togas have been made for all students. Students will be involved in decorating the costumes next week using Print Blocks that Hannah has made with some students and making their Roman accessories that they will then wear as part of the crowd scene.

A detailed letter has gone home with your child on Wednesday 13th July. Please fill out the form and have it returned to the school if you are happy for your child to participate as part of the crowd scene. Boxwars creators will be presenting to the students at assembly Friday 15th July @ 3.00pm