Build a bug costume!

Parents’ we need your help!

Over the course of this week (and most likely the next) we will be building bug costumes in the lead up to our very exciting bug performance. With that in mind, we are hoping you could help us out. As you will see below, we are looking for a range of materials. If you happen to have any bits and pieces lying around please bring them in.

P.S Any items that are highlighted in bold are ones we need most. Thanking you!


Beetles Black body shell, 6 legs ·      Black bin liner

·      Large sheets of     paper/ Cardboard Tubing

·      Masking tape

·      Paint

Centipedes Many legs ·      Large sheets of paper/ Tubing

·      Masking tape

·      Paint

Butterflies Wings, 6 legs ·      Large sheets of paper/ Cardboard Tubing

·      Masking tape

·      Paint

·    Wing material – wire clothes hangers, pliers and stockings, rubber elastic bands

Grasshoppers Big hind legs ·      Large sheets of paper/ Cardboard Tubing

·      Masking tape

·      Paint

Praymantis 6 legs, big front legs ·      Large sheets of paper/ Cardboard Tubing

·      Masking tape

·      Paint

Snails Shell ·      Cardboard box

·      Elasticated ribbon

·      Paint

Slaters Grey body shell ·      Cardboard box

·      Elasticated ribbon

·      Paint

Bees 6 legs, wings ·      Large sheets of paper/ Cardboard Tubing

·      Masking tape

·      Paint

·    Wing material – wire clothes hangers, pliers and stockings, rubber elastic bands

Spiders 8 legs, string coming out of bum ·      Large sheets of paper/ Cardboard Tubing

·      Masking tape

·      Paint

Ladybugs Red body with black spots ·      Cardboard box

·      Elasticated ribbon

·      Paint