Learning Focus Week 4

Maths: Reading and writing of numerals and associating them with their countable units. Exploration into different styles of counting books. Numeral formation and spelling of number words.

Literacy: Story telling – including problems and solutions and producing a meaningful sequence of events. This aims to prepare them for their performance of their bug story. Introducing story maps and revisiting the use of story boards to tell a story through illustration. Letter study ‘Tt’ and ‘Ww’. Spelling ‘at’ words. Big book ‘Mrs Wishy Washy’.

Inquiry: Continuing to to use provocation time to work with their bug groups to create stories, role-plays, scientific drawings and informative texts. Working with the buddies to create a list of materials needed to make a space for their bug in the Bug Hotel. Working on a floor plan of where everything will go and choosing which space they would like to occupy.