Week 7 Learning Reflection

Dear parents and carers,

Where would you find such diverse topics as the solidarity of the Wangan and Jagalingou people, swimming with cuttlefish, the science of sherbet, personal growth and the construction of happiness, Malamander reviews and some quality data analysis? The Year 2 neighbourhood of course!

Some more gems:

Binderiya: Dear Parents and Carers, (or grandpas and grandmas), Welcome to our Term 3 Week 7 Blog Post. We have finished the book Malamander! The last chapter’s name is “Erwins Paw” and I think your child told you about it, if not, ask them. I have got the book and it’s SUPER cool!!!! And after Kate is going to read us another book called 88 Lime Street, (the Year 2 Neighborhood voted and the answer was……..drum roll…….you already know, hehe!)

Ava: We have been doing lots of reading, writing, maths, inquiry and science. Speaking of maths, Prodigy has a new season – it’s pet week in Prodigy. If you don’t know what pet week is, it’s in lamp town and you can get new pets. For example, if I had snow fluff and I needed another pet, I could go to lamp town, get a new pet, train it and use it to defeat the puppet master’s evil creatures. We have finished the “Malamander” book, so now we are reading “88 Lime Street”. Hope you enjoyed the blog. See you later.

Ebony: I think the Webex meetings for home schooling are really working out because we still see the teachers (but not quite face-to-face)

Heidi: I enjoyed doing the Visible Thinking Routine because its really fun to answer the questions. I liked the one where there was a lonely man.

Owen: The writing seed has progressed my writing. I have changed my way of doing subtraction. I don’t worry about it being wrong.

Jack: Watching the video about the Wangan and Jagalingou peoples sacred connection was great. I learnt when they play the songs it connects them to the sacred land and gully of water of life. I loved this because I love Dreamtime stories.

Have a wonderful weekend in the sunshine!

The Year 2 neighbourhood