Term 2, Week 8 in the Year 1 Neighbourhood

The students have continued to settle in well at school, adapting to our new routines to keep us safe and well. We took the time to reflect about their home learning, asking them to share their feelings about their experiences. The big take-out for us was that the students are very happy to be back together, as one community, and continue their learning journey for 2020.

In our continued exploration of culture, the children have had the opportunity to experience all the provocations we created to engage and extend their thinking and wonderings. Moving forward this week, each student has chosen which provocation they wish to pursue and take further, in order to express and develop their understandings. 

Exploring our own cultures, along with the theme of myths and legends from around the world, the students have used puppetry, tessellations, drawing, construction, performance plays, writing and reading to respond in meaningful, authentic, creative ways.

We look forward to continuing to provoke the student’s thinking in order to continue building their knowledge and understanding using a range of authentic experiences including play, puppetry, construction, writing, reading and mathematics.
