Responsibilities & Wondering

Our focus so far has been on asking the questions of why and how in order to develop an understanding of our learning community and routines.

Digital Responsibilities

We have revisited our digital rights and responsibilities to maintain personal safety and develop a supportive online learning community.

Students will continue to use Google Classroom this year, as well as develop their online portfolio using Seesaw. As students develop their reflection skills, we have asked students to avoid simply adding affirming comments, such as “great work”  and begin to justify their opinions by outlining specific elements they like, such as ‘I really like your presentation-the colours and font you used in your title match your topic’. You will be invited to access Seesaw, and you may ask your child to access their Google Classroom account at any stage to discuss your child’s’ learning. If you have any questions related to these platforms, please have a chat with one of our team. As the year progresses, we will begin to explore the value, authenticity, and reliability of sources online for research.


Ever been curious about how black holes were formed, or what happens to light to create a rainbow, or how to keep bees? Many of us wonder and have big questions about the way the world works. We have begun projects related to a personal area of interest. As we continue to define our interests, questions, research, and projects we will begin to share our questions and products. It will greatly help us to discuss our project ideas with families; as well as consider experts and resources we may access.


We selected and began our first week of electives last week. Steve is leading photography, Praew is offering dance, Lucy is investigating drama, Kat is exploring puppetry, and Jen is developing podcasts. These electives will enable us to learn communication and technical skills that support our expression and enable us to create products to share our learning with our audiences.  If there are parents who are able to support the learning in any of these areas with instruction, materials, examples, etc. please contact teachers directly. We look forward to showcasing some of our processes and products as they emerge.


Families might like to discuss the following questions:

What does welcome feel like for you? How does your family make people feel welcome in your home or family? When you travel, what do you notice about the way others make you feel welcome? Do you have any photographs you might offer as examples…

Year 5/6s are invited to bring/email a family photo to display at school. We are hoping to create a visual of our extended learning community and all that we bring to PHPS.