New Beginnings

As prep teachers we recognise the significance of the transition from kinder to school for both children and families. With this in mind we have been curious about how feeling welcomed might influence a sense of belonging and connectedness and therefore learning.

After the short time we have spent with this new group we have noticed a sense of calm and children becoming increasingly settled.  We have noticed that many children have been attracted to experiences that are familiar such as blocks and puzzles, though are increasingly interested in trying new experiences. We have carefully observed and listened to the children, altered the experiences on offer in response and noticed increased engagement. We have focused on familiarising children with the opportunities each space affords and the daily routines of their new environment.

We encourage you to discuss the concept of welcome with your child. You might like to ask them to share a time when they felt welcome and you could share one back.

Keep an eye out a welcome provocations for parents on the daily board.