Moving Beyond Ourselves In Our Learning…

As we round out our learning focus on our selves ( We change as we grow – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The choices we make in our lives continue to impact on our identity and wellbeing), we are now beginning our unit focus on our community.

Our new central idea is

All living things depend on (built and natural) their environments for their survival and wellbeing. The way we interact with our environments affects them and us in both positive and negative ways.

As we begin to consider the world around us and how we rely on our environments for survival and wellbeing; we opened the inquiry with a Materials Gallery Walk. In pairs and small groups, we were asked to consider what we already knew about the materials presented on display. Where did materials originate or how were they sourced? What properties or qualities did they have? How could they change or be manipulated for our own needs? It was interesting that many of us knew that a material such as fabric, clay or paper came from natural sources, but we were unsure of the processes these materials underwent to arrive in their commercial state.  We are now in the process of trying to fill in some of these gaps by collaborating or researching further. 

Family Connections: Now would be a great time to explore materials using apps, non-fiction texts or a trip to the museum or gallery together. It would be beneficial to point out interesting materials and discuss creative ways in which materials have been manipulated. Architecture/engineering or cooking, for example, are fun ways to explore some of these concepts.

If you have any expertise in natural resources or material processing, we would love to have you as a guest in our Neighbourhood.