Fantastic Worlds Adventure

Yesterday we went on an excursion to see the Fantastic Worlds exhibition at the Counihan Gallery.

First we walked to the tram. We stayed together and focused when we crossed the road to keep ourselves safe and we had coloured groups for getting on and off the tram.

Then we were waiting for a little while and we missed the first tram. We got on the next tram and held each others hands and stayed near our adult helper.


When we got to the gallery we were listening to Victor, the curator, and he told us about what he did at the gallery. Then we looked at all the things to document. Then we got a clipboard and documented all the things that had inspired us. There were comfy beanbags, pillows and a soft rug with baskets of books from the exhibition.

‘I was inspired by the big elephant and the drawing inside it that span around and you could spin it, there were different parts like night, rain and day’ Lola W

‘I was inspired by the elephant too because there was the wheel and it span around and there was a mermaid inside’ Freyja

‘There was a little peeking hole you could peek through and periscope’ Oscar

‘I was interested in the elephant because I could look through and I could document it and it gave me an idea’ Mira

‘I looked at Mr Chicken and I got inspired by him’ Hattie

Afterwards we had a drink of water and then got back on the tram and it dropped us off at Princes Park. Then we walked through Princes Park and we stopped at the playground for a mini picnic and had a play on the playground. We found a giant see-saw and we tried to make it balance except there was a little amount on one side and a big amount on the other side so it didn’t really balance. We wondered whether it would balance if we all stood in the middle.

Then we walked back to school for lunch.

It was so much fun. We made this blog to share our day with everyone.

Written by Lola W, Ada, Oscar, Olive, Mira, Freyja and Hattie