Welcome Back!

A big welcome back to all preps and families. It has been wonderful to see that the children have returned to school curious and ready for learning! As we did last term we will endeavor to share a daily snapshot of the happenings in our neighbourhood on the documentation board in the Prep Courtyard along with our weekly wrap up video. You will also find a black A3 folder containing daily documentation from previous weeks.

Over the next few weeks we will be focusing on the following:






Guided Reading Groups


Independent writers- establishing writing routines and having a go at writing on our own.

Collaborative writing- a teacher working with a group of children to share and record ideas.

Projects & Provocations

‘The Rock’

Book Construction

Light Exploration

The Kindness Project

Up Coming Events

Walkathon- May 8th, 12:15-2:10pm

Pet Safe Visit- May 9th

Mothers Day Assembly- Friday 10th May