Active April

Maddy has invited all of the students at Princes Hill Primary School to join her (and other staff members!) in participating in Active April! This is a fantastic opportunity to get active. The experience will provide a real life context to many numeracy learning opportunities, and is sure to spark family discussions about maths in everyday life and healthy lifestyle choices. This is something that students can do at home with their parents and families over the holidays. Below is a bit more information from the Active April website.

Premier’s Active April encourages all Victorians to do 30 minutes of physical activity a day during April. It’s free, it’s fun and it’s part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to getting more people active and healthy. Start small – remember every little bit counts. It’s an easy way to kick start a healthier you!

As a participant, you can log your daily activity in the mobile or web app and chart your progress throughout the month. You can also create and join teams, track the progress of team members and explore the My Local feature to discover events, offers and facilities that are available across Victoria.

Plus, this year we have the all-new Get Active Workout Program where you can follow our instructional videos to help you keep active each day. These can be done at home or in the park with no equipment required. We also have the all-new Activity Timer to make it easier than ever to track your daily workouts

In 2019, every Premier’s Active April participant will receive 10 free passes to your participating local YMCA or local government recreation facility, as well as discounts to different stores, experiences and programs. More information about this can be found on the Active April website.

Download the Active April app or use the website to sign up


Staff team 

Team Name: PHPS staff

Team ID: phps-staff


School team

Team Name: Princes Hill PS

Team ID: princes-hill-ps


If you have any questions at all, please ask Maddy or one of the Year 2 teachers.