End of Term 1 – Movie Viewing this Friday

This Friday the Year 2s will be watching ‘Beauty and the Beast’ (‘G’ rated Disney version), after being inspired by our talk at ACMI about fairytales.  We hope to re-familiarise ourselves with this timeless classic with some new understandings that we took away with us frrom our excursion. It is a chance for students to think about the the structure of narratives (beginning, middle, end), as well as the components featured in fairytales (princesses, villains, helpers, magic, songs!). We are looking forward to analysing the different forms of magic used in ‘Beauty and the Beast’, and think that this will help us when we begin to create our own narratives next term. We plan to start watching the movie at the start of the day, as students will still have specialist classes after lunch. The day will end early at 2:30pm.