Week 4 Learning Reflection

Dear parents and carers,

It’s Thursday afternoon again and that means it’s time for us to share what we have been up to in Week 4 in the Year 2 Neighbourhood.

We have been thinking and brainstorming about where we see writing. Some examples we came up with include:

         Egg boxes and recipe books (Ahilan)

         Street signs and computers (Lyla)

         The pencils that we use in the neighbourhood and on our checklist! (Bessie)

         Shoes and posters (Alessia)

         On money, like  notes and coins (Archie M)

         Books (Owen L)

         The words I write on a piece of paper (Theo)

         On this blog! (Ziyu)

         T-shirts (Ozzy)

         Milk boxes (Sebastien)

         Diaries (Robert)

         On YouTube and Netflix, at the start so you know what you’re going to watch (Thomas)

         Graffiti (Ike)

Today we started to think and plan our cooking works that are going to start in Week 5. We discussed how cooking is connected to Maths, Science, and English.

         We will be reading recipes in cookbooks and listing the ingredients that we will need (Tristan)

         We will have to measure and weigh ingredients for the recipes (Tao)

         You can experiment with different ingredients and record the different outcomes (Maggie)

Some of the other writing experiences that some students have chosen to work on in Projects and Provocations include independent writing and spelling practice.

Some of us have been practicing Maths during Projects and Provocations, like predicting the heights of students in the neighbourhood using Unifix blocks as a measuring tool (Felix, Wesley and Harry). A lot of students are getting interested in height and length, and different ways to measure objects.

In our Wellbeing workshop we thought through the strategies we use when problem solving and how different problems could be solved.


Have a great weekend.

The Year 2 Neighbourhood