Year 2 Cooking Workshops Starting Next Week

This week the Year 2 Neighbourhood started thinking about how cooking and recipes are connected to our Inquiry question ‘Why Write?’. We decided that cooking and baking would be a good way to explore how recipes are used and why they are important while we explore how food is selected and prepared for healthy eating.  It is a chance for us to develop our understanding of procedural texts as well as learn how different mathematical concepts,  such as measurement, and science understandings can be investigated through a hands-on cooking experience.

In our introductory workshop today, students were introduced to the concept of ‘seasonal produce’, and we discussed what it means, why it might be important, and looked at different fruits and vegetables that are harvested around Victoria in Summer and Autumn months. Students shared their previous knowledge they have related to cooking and eating these different fruits and vegetables, and identified ones that they were interested in cooking with and learning more about. This will help us plan and prepare a selection of recipes that we will use each week for the rest of the term.

We also talked about what we need to think about when we are in the kitchen, and what kinds of tools, equipment, and techniques we might be using to prepare food safely.

The Year 2 Neighbourhood is excited to start cooking in Week 5, and we hope to make this a regular session on a Thursday after lunch for the rest of the term. If parents and carers have any questions or concerns before we start our cooking workshops in next week, or allergies that are not noted on their child’s COMPASS profile, please feel free to get in touch with Meredith, Kate, or Warrick.