Week Four Learning Focus

Here’s what’s happening in the neighbourhood’s this week,

Mapping and learning spaces

As we continue to explore mapping, students will be learning about scale using informal and formal units. We are developing our illustrated maps and creating symbols that represent culture and nature in the world around us. Key vocabulary includes; measuring, scale, symbols, compass, direction, legend, labels.

Letter writing

Building on the letter writing from last week was drawing out the way we communicate through letters. Students are asked to write to each other, people in far off places and people in the past to learn about them and their lives. For this, we are developing our understanding of the structure of letters and building our author’s voice in our writing. Key vocabulary includes; perspective, audience, who, what, when, where, why, how.

Data Representation

This week we are exploring the question What are the different ways we can represent data? Data is one way we learn about the world around us so this exploration looks deeply into what data is and how we can use it to understand and compare information. We are also exploring how we track things and find evidence. Key vocabulary includes; data, tracking, counting, labelling, collecting, categorising, representing, tally, question, table, graph.

What sparks wonder?

This year’s inquiry begins by looking at the question What sparks wonder? There are many things that spark wonder for all the 3/4 students and teachers and this feeling of wonder allows us to learn and create. Students are invited to explore objects, images, sounds, movements and reflect on the way they make them feel and investigate the questions they spark. Key vocabulary includes; wonder, awe, emotions, question, connection, similar, shape, texture, purpose.


Thanks so much,

3/4 Team