What a start to our journey!

We are thrilled to report that although there were some nerves during the first few days in the prep neighbourhood these quickly dissipated and were replaced with smiles and laughter! Keep reading to learn about some of the happenings of the first few days of school……..

We learned about and experienced some of the prep neighbourhood daily routines including the taking the roll, eating time, lunch/recess play and where to line up after play.

We read lots of stories with some old and new friends!



In the Learning Commons we took some time to read on our own and attempted some new puzzles showing great persistence and focus!



We worked together to set up a pretend picnic. We shared the ‘food’ and took turns to prepare and eat the ‘food’. We had some interesting conversations and made connections with people we didn’t know so well.


We listened to one another, debated, hypothesised and experimented to create lots of different things including marble runs, train tracks (and forests), pipe towers and sand tray stick structures. Milo suggested it would be a good idea to have a plan before building….!


We even started designing ways we could get the ball out of the tree……


We explored patterns…….


We expressed ourselves through dramatic play, music, drawing, painting and collaborative artworks……


We became curious about things in our new surroundings and wondered…….

Why is the leaf rainbow coloured       


  Where does the water go?

Why are some shadows light and some shadows dark?……..

This is just a ‘snap shot’ of the learning and wonderings of the prep children during their first few days at school.

Over the coming weeks, along with continuing to explore through thoughtfully presented experiences we will begin to gradually introduce workshop sessions and small group instruction in relation to literacy and numeracy . We will also continue to closely observe and document children’s interests, interactions and wonderings in order to design a meaningful inquiry and inform our learning program for term 1.