Week Five – Learning Focus

Welcome back from your long weekend and back into a busy half week here at school!

This week we are continuing to develop their identity projects and are building on their knowledge and skills as we continue to investigate how their identities have developed and how they can express who they are to others.

This week in the neighbourhoods we are…

Writing recounts

Building on “the day that changed my life” students are continuing to write their recounts. These are building writing skills but also have a focus on first-person writing and description.

Recording story podcast with sound effects

Along with our recounts, children are starting to record their recounts and after developing sounds effects, are adding them to their recordings. These will soon be available for sharing and listening – just like a podcast!

Creating identity artworks

Expressing identity comes in many forms, this term students are developing personal artworks that communicate who they are. This week students are practising the skills and techniques they have found from their inspiration artists to help develop their own artworks.

Investigating the human body

Our investigation into volume, mass and capacity is continuing to spark interest as we explore and compare parts of the human body.

Yr. 4 Buddy Training

The year 4’s this week are participating in session three of buddy training to get them ready for their leadership roles next year. Excitement is building but it has also been a reflective time for us to look at what a good role model is all about. This week our focus is on what we can do with our buddies next year. What can we teach them?

Yr. 2 and yr. 3 Project 

While the year 4’s are training for their buddies, the year 3’s have been working with the year 2’s on a special project in the 3/4 neighbourhoods. This is to support everyone in developing relationships between the two-year levels in preparation for next year and to support our year 3’s as leaders and role models as they prepare to move into year 4!


Also, please don’t forget donations and pre-booked ride passes for the Bazaar – it is now just 11 sleeps away! 

3/4 Team